Saturday, November 23, 2013

Paleo Pumpkin Chocolate Chip Cookies

Try and say that five times fast!! ..............HAHAH no don't waste time get your butt in the kitchen and make these cookies! Soooo good! Perfect little rendition of my other paleo cookie recipe just time for fall! ENJOY

3 Cups Almond Flour
1/2 cup maple syrup or packets of Stevia
1/2 cup pumpkin puree
1/2 cup butter, melted or Coconut Oil
1 Tbsp vanilla extract
1/2 tsp sea salt
1/2 tsp baking soda
3 tsp Pumpkin pie spice
1 cup chocolate chips, the darker the better!
1/4 Cup Almond Butter
2 Eggs
1/2 Cup Gluten Free Oats
*Walnuts optional

Preheat the oven to 350 F
In the mixer bowl, mix wet ingredients. In a small bowl, mix the dry ingredients.With the mixer on medium low,gradually add the dry ingredients to the wet, making sure to mix well to avoid clumps. Add your chocolate chips. Drop by tablespoons onto a parchment paper lined baking sheet. Bake for 15-20 minutes. I did them for 15. Cool and consume!

Tuesday, November 19, 2013

Why Can't I Put On Muscle??


Whether it’s for sport, the competition stage or a personal goal, many women want to add muscle to their frames but have a hard time doing so. Why? Putting on muscle starts with one’s level of testosterone, and women just don’t have that much of it! Testosterone is released in small quantities into the blood stream by the ovaries and the adrenal gland. While most men produce about 6 to 8 mg per day, an average woman only produces 0.5 mg. Other reasons women can struggle with adding muscle are ineffective training, a fast metabolism and insufficient nutrition.

Today, I am going to cover the common nutritional mistakes that individuals make when trying to gain muscle. I also share ways that you can maximize your natural testosterone levels and fuel muscle growth with smart nutrition so you can build the tight, sculpted body you desire!

Why Can’t I Put On Muscle? - Avoid these 5 nutritional mistakes#1 – You’re Not Eating Enough
Not eating enough calories is probably the number one mistake you can make when trying to gain muscle. The bottom line is many women are overtraining and under eating. So, keep track of the amount of exercise you are performing and the number of calories you are taking in over a week. Are you in a calorie deficit? If so, you are not providing your body with sufficient calories or nutrients to stimulate muscle gains. Try adding an additional 15 – 20 percent more calories as a starting point. You don’t want to pack on too much weight too quickly, as this won’t be quality lean muscle gain. So aim for 0.5 – 1.0 lb of weight gain per week.

#2 – You’re Cutting Your Protein Needs Short
Upping your calories is only the first step to putting on muscle. You also need to ensure that you are eating the right portions of each macronutrient—most importantly, protein. If you do not provide the body with sufficient protein, it cannot maintain protein balance. This makes it difficult to build or even maintain your current muscle mass.

A good starting point is to make sure you are getting at least 1 gram of protein per pound bodyweight. However, elevating this to 1.5 g/lb can ensure an adequate supply of amino acids or building blocks to maintain and stimulate muscle growth. Make sure to choose high quality sources of protein that deliver all of the essential amino acids need for muscle production including: lean red meat, eggs, whey protein, poultry and fish.

#3 – You Think Carbohydrates Are The Enemy
Complex carbohydrates are an essential part of a muscle building diet. Carbohydrates are your body’s preferred energy source. The body stores carbohydrates as glycogen in your liver and in your muscle tissues. Post-workout, when the body needs energy, the stored supply is utilized via conversion of carbohydrates and sugar into ATP or energy through the process of glycolysis.

If you have a high metabolism and have problems putting on weight, chances are your body is burning through its supply of carbohydrates quickly and efficiently. When carbohydrate levels are low, the body will switch from glycolysis to the process known as gluconeogenisis, which is the conversion of protein into carbohydrates as an energy source. This means it may begin utilizing your hard-earned muscle for fuel. However, if you are providing your body a sufficient amount of complex carbohydrates—at least 30 – 40 percent of your caloric intake depending on the speed of your metabolism—you will be able to maintain muscle and fuel recovery, repair and muscle building.

Choose complex carbohydrates, which are digested slowly and provide sustained energy between meals. Good selections include whole grains, oatmeal, brown rice, bulgur and sweet potato.

#4 – You Don’t Eat Enough Fats
Being deficient of fat in the diet, particularly essential fatty acids or EFAs, can impede muscle building. EFAs help to preserve muscle tissue and even decrease body fat. They can also assist in amino acid uptake, increase insulin sensitivity, provide building blocks for growth factors, boost testosterone production and assist with transport of important nutrients in and out of the cells.

In addition, since fats boast the highest caloric value of 9 calories per gram, they make a great candidate for getting in your extra calories. Try adding a handful of nuts or a tablespoon of your favorite nut butter to your oatmeal or protein shake. Also, consider adding a tablespoon of oil such as flax, olive oil or safflower oil over your veggies or salad.

And, don’t forget the saturated fat. Studies have shown that those who train while consuming some saturated fats have the tendency to gain more muscle mass and strength than those who eat less cholesterol. Why? Because cholesterol is converted to testosterone! So, make sure to include some red meat, whole eggs, coconut oil, cashews and full fat dairy products from time to time.

Aim for a total fat intake of 20 to 30 percent of your daily calories.

#5 – You Miss Out On Post Workout Recovery
If you have been slipping on your post workout recovery nutrition, you aren’t doing yourself any favors! You have probably heard the term anabolic window. This short, one-hour timeframe immediately after your workout is essential for recovery and muscle growth. In fact, it has been shown that consuming a post workout shake during the anabolic window can kick-start muscle protein synthesis and increase testosterone production.

Research suggests consuming a 2 to 1 ratio of simple carbs and protein after a workout is ideal for muscle growth. All you need is a 30 g serving of whey protein powder combined with 60 g of a simple carbohydrate powder to kick-start recovery and muscle building pathways!

Wednesday, October 30, 2013

Paleo Pumpkin Pancakes

Gluten Free Pumpkin Pancakes Recipe


1/2 C Pumpkin Puree
1/2 C Flour of Choice
1/2 Tsp Each: Vanilla, Stevia , Baking Soda, Baking Powder, Pumpkin Pie Spice.
Dash of Salt
1/2 C Egg Whites (3 Eggs)
3TBLSP Almond/Coconut Milk
Chia Seeds (optional)


1. Mix together all ingredients
2. Preheat griddle pan
3. Spray with cooking oil

I topped my pancakes with some almond butter , slivered almonds/pecans , and some bananas. Feel free to use your imagination here and go crazy according to your likes and dislikes! Soo easy and yummy, ENJOY this fall classic.

Wednesday, October 23, 2013

Sclupting Hamstrings!

For me personally hamstrings have always been the portion of my legs that take alittle extra work to train. I find myself always focusing on glutes, quads and calves but your hamstrings are a huge muscle in your leg don't ignore them! When hiking a harder trail yesterday I noticed that my legs were burning out faster because of my lack of strength in this area. So when I got home I searched around for some new good exercises to help me in this area. Incorporate all or some of these next time you train legs! :)

Hamstrings have always been one of my favorite muscles to train. I love how tight the back of my legs feel at the end of a workout, and I adore the curve well-developed hamstrings add to one’s profile. That sexy hamstring curve is the perfect accessory for your skinny jeans, shorty shorts and sassy swimwear.

To help get your hamstrings top form, I thought I’d share a workout featuring some of my favorite exercises. Add these sets to your leg or glute day. Or, if the back of your legs need extra love, add in a second hamstring day into your training week. Just make sure it’s a few days after your leg day, so your hamstrings have sufficient time to recover. Take a look & get to work!

Minimize rest between sets (30 – 60 seconds).

4 x 12 Lying Hamstring Curl, superset with
4 x 12 Seated Hamstring Curl

4 x 12 Dumbbell Stiff-Leg Deadlift, superset with
4 x 10 (each leg) Weighted Diagonal Step-up (shown without weights)

4 x 12 Glute-Ham Raise, superset with
4 x 15 (each leg) Single-Leg Bench Bridge

Exercise Descriptions

Weighted Diagonal Step-up. I feel this version of the step-up more in my hams and glutes than the traditional step-up.

Get Set. Stand parallel to the bench with a barbell across your shoulders or dumbbells in hand.

Work. Step up laterally and forward onto the bench. Kick the back leg up for an additional challenge. Step down to starting position. Complete all reps on one side before moving on to the second side.

Glute-Ham Raise. This is a challenging, but very effective exercise for the hamstrings, glutes and calves. You WILL be sore after doing this exercise.

Get Set. This exercise can be performed with a partner holding your ankles or by securing your ankles under a piece of equipment (as shown). A Smith machine at a low position also works well to secure your ankles. Fold up a towel or a mat and place under your knees.

Work. Descend to floor, keeping your body from head to knees in a straight line. (This will be tough when you are first learning this exercise.) Flex your hamstrings and glutes to control the movement. When you reach the floor, land on your hands. Then, gently press off your hands to help you return to the upright position. However, remember to focus on using your glutes and hamstring to control the majority of the movement.

Single-Leg Bridge Using Bench. This is a killer exercise to target the hamstring/glute tie-in. You can perform this un-weighted or with a plate in your lap, as shown.

Get Set. Lie down on the floor perpendicular to a bench. Place the heel of one foot on the edge of a bench and extend the other leg straight up. For additional challenge, place a plate or dumbbell in your lap.

Work. Press into the heel positioned on the bench and raise your hips as far off the ground as you can. Then, lower your hips about half way down. That is one rep. Complete all reps on one side before switching to the other side.

Push Toward Your Best
Remember to appreciate where you are TODAY in your fitness and life journey. We all get so caught up in where we are going, what we are working toward and the things we want to change, that we rarely take time to just bask in our current awesomeness. So, go ahead and do it. Take a good long look in the mirror and account for all the work your have done for your health, your body, your mind and your soul. Be grateful for all you got. It’ll infuse you with potent positive goodness to keep you smiling and moving.

Keep pushing— your best is waiting.

Sculpt Your Hamstrings

Sculpt Your HamstringsSculpt Your Hamstrings

Tuesday, October 1, 2013

5 Reasons Your Exercising and NOT Losing Weight!

Do you know why despite exercising fairly regularly you are unable to lose any weight? Nothing can be more frustrating than trying to lose weight, eating healthy and exercising but still being unable to do so. It is especially discouraging to see the scale not budge after the euphoria of the initial loss of the first few pounds. Here are 5 things you should make sure you are doing right to get the pounds off!

  1. Exercising on an empty stomach: is a serious mistake. You need energy to work out and without food providing the fuel for it, calories burned will come from muscle instead of fat. It can actually prevent weight loss.
  2. Guzzling large amounts of water: Sip water to keep yourself hydrated. Gulping down larger amounts of water at a time can cause over hydrating that can lead to low amounts of sodium in the body, causing dizziness, cramps, slurred speech, and nausea.
  3. Repeating the same workout can also be a downfall as it can not only cause boredom and more chances of skipping or cutting short your exercise regimen, but also increases the risk of repetitive stress injuries. What’s more, repetition is also likely to lead to fitness or weight-loss plateaus. Therefore, changing up your regimen every four weeks is an important part in staying fit.
  4. Skipping the warm up before your workout is a big no, no. Warm up gives your muscles and joints a necessary pump of blood and oxygen, to give them the energy, flexibility, strength and injury-protection. Dropping warm up and getting straight into your routine means you’ve just turned the first few minutes of your exercise into the warm up and the remaining time is the time that you actually exercise and even that with much lower intensity than your regular workout.
  5. Not Resting Enough: is another culprit. Now there are three things we are talking about here:
    1. You are training all over. The right way is to focus a hard-core workout on one or two particular muscle groups, and then to let those muscle groups rest and focus on another group the next day. The body needs to repair the muscle tissue in the areas that were exercised, and it’s this repair work that makes the muscle grow in strength, shape and tone. Not giving it a rest means muscle exhaustion does not let your body repair and tone.
    2. Same goes for your entire body as well as mind. Give a day of rest to your body after a week of exercising.
    3. Sleep! Getting a good night’s sleep is a must. Sleep deprivation causes the release of cortisol that stores fat like a vengeance. The biggest spike in fat-burning hormone plasma levels occurs in deep sleep. So a bad sleeping pattern may actually causeweight gain.
There’s no reason why your workout regimen won’t be a hit if you take care of these five simple things. It’s a shame to see so much effort, energy and motivation going to waste for the lack of something so simple. So step on it and let us know how it works out for you!

Saturday, September 28, 2013

Paleo Brownies

A friend at my church brought these brownies to our weekly bible study the other night. She was telling us all the ingredients inside, and I was thinking to myself these are totally Paleo!!! I was sooo excited and after I tried one I thought I had died and gone to heaven, they were amazing and even the non health nuts in the group were loving them. 
When I got home I quickly looked up the recipe and made it for myself, success yet again and super easy. They sound weird and I questioned some of the ingredients but trust me you just have try them and you will see what the hype is all about!

AVACADO BROWNIES!!!     4 oz Unsweetened Chocolate, melted in 1 T Coconut Oil    3 Small Avocados (or 2 Large)    1/2 c Honey    3 Eggs    1/4 c Unsweetened Cocoa Powder    1 T Vanilla    1 T Coconut Flour    1 t Baking Soda    1/2 t Salt

4 oz Unsweetened Chocolate, melted in 1 T Coconut Oil

3 Small Avocados (or 2 Large)

1/2 c Honey

3 Eggs

1/4 c Unsweetened Cocoa Powder

1 T Vanilla

1 T Coconut Flour

1 t Baking Soda

1/2 t Salt


Puree the avocado flesh in a food processor.  Make sure there are NO lumps left over…as good as chunky guacamole is, I can’t say that it’s all that good baked into a brownie.

Beat all remaining ingredients together with the avocado in a bowl with an electric mixer until really smooth and fluffy.

Spoon batter into a greased 8×8 baking dish.

Bake at 350 degrees for 35 minutes, or until a toothpick comes out smooth.

Tuesday, September 3, 2013

Paleo For Fat Loss!!

This was a really good article that I found off a Paleo blog I read daily! For me I follow the Paleo eating plan because it makes me feel sooo much better and promotes a healthy lifestyle of clean eating, it is not just another fad diet that you follow for a few months and then go back to the way you ate before! But there are in fact different things you can tweak and implement into the Paleo eating plan that will be geared towards helping you achieve you weight-loss goals! This post below goes into the step by step instructions on how to do it! Take a minute to read through it and glean some knowledge! 

A Fat Loss Template

The path to fat loss is not necessarily a difficult one to traverse, but it is largely misunderstood.  The mainstream advice absolutely works, but only if your goal is temporary weight loss, not sustainable fat loss.  “Doing The Paleo Diet” can also be quite effective at making you feel better, improving health, and causing some fat loss, but I have never seen diet alone get anyone all the way to peak health or all the way to a body that looks great in a swim suit (which is actually two ways to say the same thing).  Those who focus on diet alone inevitably end up frustrated and/or short of their goals.
Today, I am going to lay out a solid fat loss plan for you that encompasses the four major inputs of health: nutrition, exercise, sleep, and stress management.  The title of this post is “A” Fat Loss Template, because this is not the only plan that can work and I’m not guaranteeing that this plan will work for absolutely everyone.  Sometimes, after a long history of weight loss attempts, metabolic issues can necessitate more patience the this plan requires, but this is a solid plan that will work wonders for most people.  However, if you are looking for a magic bullet or something that will give you your dream body in a month, don’t waste your time reading the rest of this rather long post.

Month 1
The first steps are basic paleo, walking, and improving sleep patterns.  I discussed the basic paleo part in this recent post, so I won’t rehash all the details here.  Suffice it to say you need to get the offensive foods out and the human chow in.  Don’t worry about anything else related to your diet for at least 1 month.  If you need to use baby steps to get to perfect basic paleo, you have my full support, but don’t start the 1 month timer until you get there.
Walk as often as you can, for as long as you can.  You aren’t walking too much unless time spent walking is detracting from sleep and eating time.  If you have been doing traditional cardio or otherwise over-exercising, trade it all in for walking.  When we compare the way we move to the way our genes expect us to move, the biggest thing missing is lots of low intensity movement.  If you only have time for a 10 minute walk on your lunch break, get out there!  If you only have time for a 10 mile hike on a Saturday morning, get out there!  Most people can make time for a short walk everyday.  Be most people.
If you aren’t getting enough sleep, or if you are sleeping the wrong hours, expect to struggle with fat loss.  The research is undeniable, bad sleep patterns can (and often does) cause insulin resistance, which in turn makes it hard to access stored fat for energy (a quick search of for “sleep insulin resistance” or “sleep obesity” is very enlightening).  Poor sleep patterns have also been shown to increase inflammation and increase cravings, both of which may cause an increase in stored fat and/or inhibit fat loss.  Sleeping 8 hours is a good target and 10 PM to 6 AM, or there about, are a good 8 to get.

Month 2
Reduce your starchy carbs and fruit so that the huge majority of your weekly carb intake comes from fibrous vegetables.  If you are a woman, this is also a good time to take a quick snapshot of your total calories because there’s a good chance you aren’t eating enough.  If you calories are below 1800 per day, get them up as best you can.  In my opinion, no adult ever needs less than 1800 calories per day, and and such restriction is certainly not necessary for fat loss.  Unfortunately, you may not have an appetite for more food after years of conditioning.  If you just aren’t hungry, try to walk more and add more fat to your diet.  This may feel forced at first, so feel free to slowly increase calories rather than make yourself miserable.  The good news is that red meat is calorie dense.  Eat more of it.  If you can get grass fed beef, bison, or any other source of pastured red meat, eating fatty cuts can really help increase calories.  If you have been eating too little for a long time, expect to gain a little fat when you first start giving your body what it needs to thrive.  Don’t let this freak you out!  You have to re-condition your body back to a place where it doesn’t feel the need to stuff every spare calorie into your fat cells to get you through these harsh times of scarce food that have been imposed upon it for years.
Continue walking and begin lifting heavy weights 3 or 4 days per week in workouts that focus on big compound movements like squats, deadlifts, and presses.  Your goal should be to increase strength and physical capacity, at least until you dramatically outshine the average person of your age and gender on the street, at which point maintenance may be fine for you.  If you have never lifted heavy before, you will need to find someone to teach you proper form.  There are probably good trainers in your area, although methods for finding a good one are outside the scope of this post.  My best advice for finding a good trainer is in The Paleo Coach.  We are also happy to teach you proper form at EPLifeFit.  Whoever shows you the ropes, be sure they are heavily focused on mobility and proper form.  You want to be lifting until the they put you in the ground, not injured and out of the game.  When executed properly, heavy lifting is safer than any sport you may have played as a kid.  Heavy lifting and walking trump cardio for fat loss every time.
Begin meditating.  I like 8 Minute Meditation by Victor Davich, but there are lots of other methods and, while some might be better than others, I don’t know of a terrible one.  You might need to just trust me on this one.  Meditation, the way Davich teaches it and the way I practice it, is not spiritual at all, so it should drop neatly into your life regardless of your beliefs.  It is merely an exercise in stress management.  Give it an honest shot for 2 or 3 weeks and I think you will love what it does for you, but please set aside what you may believe you understand about meditation if you have never practiced it for an extended period of time.  We live in a world that our ancient genes cannot hope to understand.  The stress we face in modern society is nothing at all like the stress we evolved to deal with.  Car payments, lousy bosses, and traffic jams have absolutely nothing to do with our survival, the hormonal response they elicit is very similar to survival stress, except in a long, slow, maddening drip instead of an acute rush.  Meditation is the only thing I have ever seen work for everyone I talked into doing it.

Month 3
Don’t change anything about your diet this month.
Add some sprints to your lifting and walking.  Stationary bikes, rowing machines, and your feet on grass or a track are all acceptable.  Intensity is the key to sprinting.  100% effort for a short duration (I like 20-30 seconds) is required to call it a sprint.  Adding 3 to 5 sprints, with enough rest between to catch you breath, to 1 or 2 of your lift days will work wonders, but don’t add another workout day for sprints.  Again, you may need to find someone to teach you the best way to sprint and help you understand intensity.  Proper warm-ups are non-negotiable!  Warm-up inadequately at your own risk!  High intensity interval training can also work, but we must define it.  High intensity and interval are key words here.  They denote near maximal effort and short duration.  20-30 minute HIIT workouts should only be done for sport, not for getting really healthy.

Month 4
If you are losing fat, even if it is happening slowly, you do not need this phase.  Just chill for a while and let your body get really healthy, however long that takes.  Remember, we are producing sustainable results here, which means you get to keep all the awesome changes you make.  It’s okay if Month 4 becomes Month 5 or 6 or 24.  If, in fact, fat loss is not happening for you, there are a few small tweaks that can be made.  Choose one tweak at a time and give each at least month to provide you with some data to work with while doing your best to control other confounding variables.
My favorite of the late game tweaks is simply a consolidation of of your total calories into a shorter eating window in your day.  Some call this Intermittent Fasting; I prefer to call it skipping breakfast.  The most important things that you must understand about this tweak is that it should not be used be used too soon and it should not result in a noticeable decrease in calories.  Either factor could cause stress and rob you of results.  Just redistribute your breakfast calories to lunch and dinner, and only eat in (approximately) an 8 hour window.  Example: begin eating lunch at 11:00 AM and finish dinner by 7:00 PM.  If you are someone who struggles to get enough calories, removing breakfast may be a problem for you if your appetite makes it hard to get enough food down at a sitting.  In that case, just remove all carbohydrates from breakfast.
If you have a huge appetite and eat lots of food each day, this might be a good time to slightly reduce calories.  Everyone is different and these are just estimates, but if you are a woman eating 1800-2000 calories, or a man eating 2200-2400 calories, this is probably not going to be a good tweak for you.  You will probably only negatively affect your metabolism if you eat less.  Some people, however, have no problem packing away food.  This isn’t always a hindrance to fat loss, but a slight calorie restriction can be helpful if you are stuck.  The key is to not make such a big change in calories that your body perceives it as stress.  If you overshoot this, you will likely begin to lose weight, and not just fat, which will include that hard-earned muscle mass required for a peak health metabolism.
Last but not least, you could try cycling your carb intake.  My favorite way to do this is to eat very low carbohydrate paleo (30 grams or less) for most days, but re-feed with lots of starch (sweet potatoes, yams, butternut squash, even white rice if you tolerate it well) in one or two dinners per week.  Keifer’s Carb Nite plan, which I love as a late game play, is based on this basic carb re-refeed concept.  I have to be honest here, I have seen carb cycling work very well for many people right out of the gate, but my experience has taught me that it often fails as a start-up plan for metabolically damaged people who have struggled with fat loss through multiple yo-yo dieting episodes, losing and regaining the same 10 or 20 pounds more than once.  Getting through the steps in the previous 3 months above is a good way to give carb cycling a decent shot at working for you.

There you have it
There’s no magic in there, but if you are used to mainstream weight loss prescriptions, this might take some magical patience and emotional control.  Like I said, this is a basic template that will work for most people, but it isn’t an ancient secret from the fabled Sumerian Fat Loss Scrolls (I just made that up, no need to Goolge it).  I have never met the beginner that would not at least get healthier this plan, but there are those whose bodies will resist fat loss through these steps.  Most of the time the answer is simply more patience.  Regardless, this is a good beginning (or restart) for anyone.  Also please acknowledge that the bulk of what I’m suggesting is a change of food choices, a maximum of 3 to 4 hours per week lifting with a couple of sprints mixed in, walking where it fits, 8 minutes per day meditating, and maybe an adjustment to sleep hours.  Remove all emotion and desperation, and it’s all very easy to implement.  Granted, change is almost always hard at first.  But when change leaves you with a hot body that feels great and is capable of doing things that used to be impossible, oh man is it worth it!
Go forth and be awesome.