For those of you who follow this blog of mine called the Recipe Box, you start to notice a change in the coming days and months. My entire life style and eating habits have done a complete 180 turn. I happy to say that I am never ever going back to the way I used to live and eat. I have had such a change of heart in the last 4 months and my perspective on life and the importance of being healthy has completely changed.
I used to be the girl who made fun of her mom when she would be super picky about what she ate, and who had to get up early every morning to get her daily workout routine in. We her example has slowly but surely rubbed off on me and I am proud to claim that I am now the weird obsessed health girl that I used to make fun of. In the past I have eaten whatever I want, whenever I want. I was the girl who worked out in the summer just to get into enough shape to be able to wear a bathing suit for a few months. Ever since middle school I have constantly struggled with my weight and never could seem to maintain a healthy lifestyle growing up. I defenitely gained the freshman 15 and all throughout college, with different relationships and poor sleeping habits my weight increased more and more. Since recently graduating from college a year ago I now have the time, discipline, and means to begin to habitually live a healthy, balanced lifestyle.
My workout routine consists of going to the gym 5 times a week and taking 2 rest days to recover. I enjoy going to better at a decent time so that I can wake up early and get my workout in before the day kicks into full gear. This eliminates excuses of being to busy or the day just getting away from you. I love lifting heavy weight and that is what the majority of my routines look like with the normal cardio mixed in for fat loss, and ab work to keep a strong core.
I dont like calling my meal plan a diet but rather just that a meal plan. I have strictly cut out any kind of sodium, salt, and carbs from my food intake. When I say carbs I am referring to bread and pasta, on the other hand I do eat good carbs that your body gleans nutrients from such as brown rice, sweet potatoes, and potatoes. I eat tons of fruits and veggies, and nuts. I switched over to dairy products made out of almonds such as cheese and milk. I will still eat fat free greek yogurt and monzerrela since these are very good for you in moderation. Since dairy products have a huge connection to belly fat I can certainly go with out it, especially since I love the taste of almond cheese and milk. YUM!!!! My eating habits also contain high amounts of protein since this is what supports lean muscle growth, I get the majority of my protein from a supplement as well as fat free turkey, chicken and white fish.
The reason I have been able to adapt to this way of eating is because the taste of the food I get to eat is delicious! It makes it so much easier to stick to something when it fits into your life and you are not depriving yourself of things you want or need. The best way I have found to stick to eating clean as I call it, is finding substitutes for those foods that are bad for you so that you can still feel like you are satisfied. Also with the high intakes of protein as well as eating controlled portions every 3 hours of the day ensure that you don't over eat or eat unhealthy fast food which is where most of peoples weight problems come from.
With all that said I bet you are on info over load.........I know I was when i first heard about this whole plan. I wont be posting blan boring recipes on my blog now that I have gone health freak but I will be posting recipes and then explaining the diffferent ingredients I would swap out to make the dish way less calories and actually healthy for you. The choice is up to you but I can speak for myself, in just the past few months Iv made these changes I have lost over 10lbs and I feel the best I have ever felt in my whole life. Give it a try you cant go wrong.
Please feel free to comment with any questions, comments or concerns you may have. I would be happy to be help you see yourself to the best you!! Blessings